Sharing your joy makes a lasting impact…

Suzanne Joyner, MSN, RN | Nursing Director
Neuroscience and Surgical Critical Care
Greater Boston Nursing Collective
Sharing the Six Principles of Integrative Nursing
Sharing your joy makes a lasting impact…
Suzanne Joyner, MSN, RN | Nursing Director
Neuroscience and Surgical Critical Care
“You cannot give what you do not have.” (Maureen Bisognano, 2017, as cited by Don Berwick, IHI)
“The gifts of hope, confidence, and safety that health care should offer patients and families can only come from a workforce that feels hopeful, confident, and safe.
Joy in work is an essential resource for the enterprise of healing”. (Don Berwick, 2017, IHI)
Denise Corbett-Carbonneau, DNP, RN
Nursing Director, General Medicine, Farr 2
At the Third International Integrative Nursing Symposium In Galway, I presented the GBNC “Joy Campaign” efforts, including these emails. I quoted Pierre Teilhard de Chardin when he said, “…whatever in our lives is true, good, and beautiful – whether it be found in the moments of great love or in the moments of great despair – then this truth, this goodness, this beauty will rise. And in rising, it will converge around the greatest truth, the greatest good, the greatest beauty.” I believe moments of joy captured in our practice are true, good and beautiful and converge on the greatest truths, goodness and beauty of our practice.
Have a joyous weekend!