Happy Nurses’ Week to all!

As announced at our gathering on November 29th, 2018, the GBNC launched a twice/week email to extend our Community of Joy exchanges with inspirational reflections, in different formats such as clips, quotes, stories, and ideas. Our time together at that first conference was only our “mustard-seed planting”. The emails were labeled “Joy in Our Practice” and an offshoot source of connection from that first and subsequent gatherings.
As the Greater Boston Nursing Collective enters a new phase we are suspending this activity. These emails were written by varied individuals representing our founding institutions. I want to take this opportunity to thank all the past authors! And a deep bow of gratitude to the 140+ recipients too. Many of you have reached back to thank us when a reflection was particularly meaningful to you and many forwarded the emails to further the reach past the distribution list.
We close out this activity with a link to an inspiring reminder from Johnson & Johnson that our profession has changed the course of history. In very real and frequent ways, we know our profession has changedcountless lives in the privileged moments of one RN and one patient/family member. Those moments are our joy.
Thank you all for all you do and our hope is that you continue to find the JOY in our practice. Happy Nurses’ Week!
Carolyn Hayes, Ph.D., RN, NEA-BC, FAAN
President, Greater Boston Nursing Collective