Welcome, Fellows and Mentors. Our work together is beginning today, 1/20/22.
This article describes how to sign up for post notifications.

Greater Boston Nursing Collective
Sharing the Six Principles of Integrative Nursing
Welcome, Fellows and Mentors. Our work together is beginning today, 1/20/22.
This article describes how to sign up for post notifications.
Theodore Roethke’s poem “In a Dark Time” opens with an assertion: Hardships clarify who we are and what matters to us most. Without challenges to illuminate needs from wants, we risk taking aspects of our lives for granted.
Well – our practice must be fully illuminated now….self-care mandates we find the joy in our practice at this time. Take 5 minutes to center and think about what about your work today brought/brings you joy.
As I have been immersed in the circumstances of our discipline nearly two years into the pandemic…I am happy to be reminded that joy is not based on circumstances. Hopefully, you are all finding joy in our practice. Our joy is embedded in the nurse/patient (community) relationship. We continue to hold up our end!