Visions of Joy
Engage your inner visionary to enhance joy in practice.
Using your innate creativity, create a collage of images and words to enhance connection with your motivation, values, goals, and dreams.
The pictures could symbolize people or things that bring you joy, or simply be images or words that inspire you and make you happy.

Instruction: about 30 – 40 minutes is recommended
- Gather your materials for this activity
- Scissors
- Glue stick or tape
- Markers or paints
- Poster or drawing paper
- Magazines for pictures
- Take a moment to reflect on things that bring your joy in practice. You might choose to write a list of things that come to mind or a story of joy.
- Select two to three magazines and cut out pictures and/or words that represent your joy and motivation. Be open to all pictures that speak to you. Positive or negative.
- Stick these pictures on the board. Feel free to add words or emphasis to the images using markers or paints.
- After you have completed your board, sit and reflect upon it. What does your vision board tell you about your intention for yourself and your practice?
- You may display the board in a prominent area where you will see it every day. Feel free to add images to your board as new joy develops.
Additional Resources:
- BJC Healthcare_ Institute for Learning and Development_ Resiliency Resources:
- Emmons, H., Bourgerie, S., Denton, C., & Kacher, S. (2012). The chemistry of joy workbook: overcoming depression using the best of brain science, nutrition, and the psychology of mindfulness. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications.
Shanna D. Hoffman, RN, MSN, AGCNS-BC
Program Director of Integrative Nursing & Oncology Nurse Residency
Dana Farber Cancer Institute