Hi all, I thought vacation would help me feel less burned-out. I thought summer in general would help me feel less burned-out. Yes, these have helped me to feel less acutely distressed and more rested, but I still feel burned-out. I exercise and I meditate. Why hasn’t my self-care cured my burn-out?
Burn-out is epidemic in our nursing profession, in healthcare in general, in most professional work settings right now… Our leaders and teammates say, “take care of yourself.” But is that the best we can do to combat this epidemic? I found this article and writing by Melissa Mayer, giving perhaps a different perspective. I thought I would share it in the chance that some of you are struggling with burn-out as well.

It seems to me that resentment might be the antithesis of joy. What I am (are you?) resenting and how that might be a barrier to joyful practice and leadership?