Sharing a wonderful idea that embodies intent of this email….Joy to be found through everyday acts of kindness. The state of Pennsylvania recently honored Mister Rogers with the First Annual Day of Kindness.
The holiday (May 23rd) is dubbed 1-4-3 Day in a nod to the TV personality’s favorite phrase, “I love you”.
It encourages residents to “embrace the spirit of the kindest Pennsylvanian, Fred Rogers,” by doing something kind for their neighbors. In true modern-day form, the Pennsylvania government’s Twitter announcement also asked locals to “spread the love and share your acts of kindness using the hashtag #143DayInPA.”
As of Friday, the 1-4-3 Day website had recorded 16,397 social media posts featuring the hashtag. Among others, acts of kindness detailed online included dog wardens using their lunch hour to walk and play with shelter animals, elementary school students raising money for a classmate in need of a wheelchair, and co-workers volunteering at a local women’s shelter. Many social media users also used the opportunity to reflect on Rogers’ legacy specifically; one fan even tattooed the number 143 onto her ankle.
Thank you for your acts of kindness today!