Hello Thursday—-we also say it’s Friday Eve. One small positive thought, one new perspective can influence the whole day!
So see below!
Greater Boston Nursing Collective
Sharing the Six Principles of Integrative Nursing
Hello Thursday—-we also say it’s Friday Eve. One small positive thought, one new perspective can influence the whole day!
So see below!
“The lucky ones have a hard time imagining not being joyful at work, although this can sometimes take a high level of conscious and subconscious effort. It really isn’t about luck; it’s about finding joy and reframing situations with that attitude. Whether joy is a matter of survival, well-being, personality, or responsibility for others, it’s important for leaders.”
An exerpt from The art of being joyful: Section Editor(s): Raso, Rosanne MS, RN, NEA-BC
Nursing Management (Springhouse): April 2015 – Volume 46 – Issue 4 – p 6