I hope you were all able to enjoy some time with family and friends over the long weekend. Today, I wanted to share a little reminder to practice self-compassion and remember how amazing you are. 😊

Greater Boston Nursing Collective
Sharing the Six Principles of Integrative Nursing
I hope you were all able to enjoy some time with family and friends over the long weekend. Today, I wanted to share a little reminder to practice self-compassion and remember how amazing you are. 😊
One last nod to kindness: first shared by Mary Beth Williams in April of 2019:
Those who make compassion an essential part of their lives find the joy of life. Kindness deepens the spirit and produces rewards that cannot be completely explained in words.
Robert J. Furey
Have a Happy fourth of July everyone.
Sticking with the kindness theme from the article I sent out Thursday, I am going back to a sentiment Paula Koppel first shared in 2019…Have a great day everyone.