May your day be filled with gratitude, vision, strength, and peace. EnJOY this day…

Greater Boston Nursing Collective
Sharing the Six Principles of Integrative Nursing
May your day be filled with gratitude, vision, strength, and peace. EnJOY this day…
I wanted to share this website I found recently that I think did a wonderful job of applying integrative principles to everyday life. It can be found at: This hyperlink brings you to the About Us Page that provides a wonderful mission statement. Additionally, as you can see below, they offer monthly calendars to help bring joy and happiness to everyday life through small actions. June was “Joyful June”, but I felt July is pretty good as well.
Dear Colleagues, I believe that part of our oath as nurses is to uphold and hearten the freedom of those we care for to pursue their optimal health and well-being. May we joyful celebrate the freedom we have and continue to strive for!
Happy July 4th!