I hope this email finds you all well. Today’s Joy in Practice is contributed by Nancy Matthews, a primary care nurse and Caritas Coach at Brigham and Women’s.

Greater Boston Nursing Collective
Sharing the Six Principles of Integrative Nursing
I hope this email finds you all well. Today’s Joy in Practice is contributed by Nancy Matthews, a primary care nurse and Caritas Coach at Brigham and Women’s.
Sharing recent inspiration from a book I am reading with our professional development team about ‘The Power of Moments” by Chip & Dan Heath.
If we focused less on fixing potholes and more on building peaks, what kind of JOY could we spread in our organizations?!
Quotes from the book:
“A defining moment is a short experience that is both memorable and meaningful…. What are these moments made of, and how do we create them? – Elevation, Insight, Pride & Connection” (p 12)
“Transitions should be marked, milestones commemorated, and pits filled. That’s the essence of thinking in moments. To be clear, not all defining moments could happen anytime. The Popsicle Hotline, for instance, is a sources of on-demand delight… For most of the moments in this book – moments of elevation and connection and pride- almost any time is a good time. The more you can multiply them, the better… And particularly in organizations, these circumstances [to insert a JOYFUL PEAK] tend to go unnoticed… ”
Reflection questions:
Today may we focus less on those things that divide us and find renewed joy in our “common chorus” …. check out this video