Happy Thanksgiving All!
I encourage us all to take a moment today to write two notes of gratitude. Two quick pen & paper, email, or text messages expressing gratitude. The first one write to someone or something you care for and positively impacts your life. Write the second one to someone or something that has challenged you. Be open and curious about what courage this gratitude practice might bring.
Send them or don’t send them. It’s up to you. 😊
Dr. Brené Brown, someone to whom I am going more frequently for inspiration of late, said this…
“A lot of cheap seats in the arena are filled with people who never venture onto the floor. They just hurl mean-spirited criticisms and put-downs from a safe distance. The problem is, when we stop caring what people think and stop feeling hurt by cruelty, we lose our ability to connect. But when we’re defined by what people think, we lose the courage to be vulnerable. Therefore, we need to be selective about the feedback we let into our lives. For me, if you’re not in the arena also getting your ass kicked, I’m not interested in your feedback.”
I am grateful for being in the arena with all of you!
~ Shanna