September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month and in that spirit I offer you this quote today. In these divisive times, imagine how the world could change if everyone offered grace and understanding instead of criticism and anger.
Archives for September 2020
September 10, 2020
For today’s joy message, I turned to the Book of Joy by His Holiness the Dalia Lama and Archbishop Desmond Tutu with Douglas Abrams. Abrams quoted Archbishop Tutu’s answer to a child at the Tibetan Children’s Village (page 293) that I find moving:
If we think we want to get joy for ourselves, we realize that it’s very shortsighted, short-lived. Joy is the reward, really, of seeking to give joy to others. When you show compassion, when you show love to others, do things for others, in a wonderful way you have a deep joy that you can get in no other way.
I am reminded again of the blessings and beauty of our work as nurses.
September 8, 2020
Hello Dear Colleagues,
The quote I share this morning from Rabindranath Tagore is one more reminder to me of how very blessed we are to have chosen nursing as our careers. With my appreciation and warmest regards,
I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy.
Anne-Marie Barron PhD, RN, PMHCNS-BC, FAAN